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It’s 1939, and your father drives a convertible Nash coupe. What do you want for your birthday? A pedal car that looks just like Dad’s! Continue reading Boys and their Toys
One hundred and fifteen years ago, it was understood by one and all that finer homes deserved having a reed organ in their parlor. If you wanted music, you had to play it yourself… Continue reading Every home deserves an organ
Charles Williams stores, ca 1927: Item B on this page is a men’s 3-piece suite that is “real snappy and full of pep” and priced at under $16. I don’t think Men’s Wearhouse has suits like this. Continue reading The ‘Gay White Way “Jazz” Suit’
When you think of hip clothing styles, I doubt J.C. Penny is top of mind or anywhere close. But here we are in 1969 and Penneys has snagged Mary Quant, one of the top fashion designers of Swinging Britain, to come up with a clothing line… Continue reading Penneys Gets Groovy
Once upon a time, Allstate wouldn’t just sell you car insurance coverage, they would sell you car seat covers. Such a thing barely exists nowadays, and certainly not looking like these examples… Continue reading Beauty that gives you that “New Car” thrill all over again…from Allstate
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“The things you see here lay at the bottom of the South China Sea for 235 years.” The J. Peterman Company catalogs were as unusual as the products… Continue reading Sunken Treasure…Found by J. Peterman
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In 1932 it looks like tuning a radio could have have caused seriously distracted driving, if this Western Auto catalog illustration is anything to go by…. Continue reading “The radio sounds lovely, but keep your eye on the wheel.”
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“Edison and Music” Diamond Disc catalog, 1920 – Thomas Edison invented recorded music in 1878 to instant acclaim. It's funny, selling a product whose end result is music with nothing but words. But Edison's writers gave it their best shot… Continue reading The Phonograph with a Soul: Many Words about Music
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Spors Book of Bargains, 1939: They didn’t call it the Great Depression for nothing. You leaf through a catalog like this one and you can feel the hunger and the desperation that the Spors Company promised to address… Continue reading The Beauty of Selling
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Oh, the Deco! You would expect a place that sells fine china to do so with taste and grace, and this catalog certainly climbs to the heights of the 1930s styles. Royal Doulton, Wedgwood and the like were names to draw visitors to Hamilton, Ontario from the 1890s until 1985. Continue reading Canada’s Most Talked About Gift Shop